Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Favorite Trees

My walk today was mostly a nature stroll. I didn't feel like race-walking, so I just wandered around the neighborhood, noting all the fantastical flowering trees. There are several magnolias in full flower, and the weeping cherries started the other day. There's one weeping cherry down the street that I love the most. It's not especially large, but the owners have pruned it to be the shape of a giant mushroom. The top is flat and wide, the sides droop just a little, and when the blossoms come, they hang down so gracefully.

The plum trees are blossoming too, and there are purple and white plums all over. The crabapples will be exploding soon. There's a street that has white crabapples lining the left side of the sidewalk, and pink ones on the other side, so you can walk through the tunnel of blossoms. That's on the way to church.

I heard it's supposed to snow tonight. Curse the snow. It will kill the magnolias.

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