Friday, March 9, 2007

16/15, extra minute down the hill

I had forgotten how much I love to be out in the early morning. I've had an erratic schedule, since Kiki is nursing and unwilling to be scheduled, so I haven't gotten into a groove of going out at the same time every day. But this morning, after I fed her at 5:30, I decided I should just get up and go. It was even beginning to get light at 6:00, and the birds are out making a ruckus. Spring always makes me feel like I've spent a lot of time being homesick, and I've finally come home. I ran up the hill today. I've been doing it in installments, up till now, but I finally went all the way up without stopping today. Then I had to run down, of course. 16/15

My little flower garden has some irises that are about 4 inches tall, one big yucca, four lavender bushes, and a whole bunch of onions. I planted the onions last summer, and I thought they all died. But now, they are shooting up. I can't remember if they're any good after a winter. I think they might just go to seed, which is fine with me. Last year my leeks went to seed, and they were fantastic, if a little smelly. They grew 6 feet tall, and their huge pink pom-pom blossoms loomed over the rest of the vegetable garden for the whole summer.

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