Monday, April 9, 2007

3 days off

Mmmm, I sort of skipped writing about last week. I sort of skipped a few days of running. We went to this great restaurant in Salt Lake on Friday, then headed up the hill for the best chocolates at Hatch Family Chocolates. Apparently they don't have a website, but if you need to know, there is no place better in Utah. I tried some other chocolates the other day and I was so saddened at the inferiority. So go to Hatch.

On Saturday, we had the family Easter party with Derek's parents and sibs, and in the evening went to dinner with my dad, grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousin Liz. There just wasn't time.

So this morning I ran for 20 minutes and felt great, but by the end, my hip was hurting again. I just got new shoes, so I don't think it's that. Maybe I need to go even slower.

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