Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Race for the cure

Derek and I ran the Komen Race for the Cure on Saturday. This was my first race in almost 2 years, since I had such an eventful time after my last 1/2 marathon. We got Derek’s whole family in on it, though most of them walked the 3 miles. Derek, Britanna, and I started running about 7 minutes after the gun, because that’s how long it took us to get from where we were, behind 10,000 people, to the starting line. As we were walking, Derek said, “Wow, this is gonna be a 5K mosey.” Britanna ran with us for about 1/2 mile, then separated and walked for a little while.

Derek and I were together until about half way. Derek hasn’t been running for about a month, so I was glad he could do that much, although we were running about as slow as I know how. I didn’t get the race thing that makes you get jittery and start out fast. I knew I wasn’t being timed, so I treated it like any old morning run. I didn’t even warm up, so that first half was the warm up. Derek claims that when he started walking, I picked up speed, but I don’t remember doing so. He only walked for a few minutes, then ran the rest of the way. But he still came in 2 1/2 minutes after me. Yee-Haw!

I finished in 27:56, which is my slowest 5K by about 3 minutes. I usually get pretty nauseated after a race, but this time it was so mild. I don’t feel like I exerted myself very much. Which is actually very good, since my goal was to finish in 29 minutes, and not worry about it at all.

So I feel like it was a very good first race of the season, and especially good since I’m still recovering from childbirth. I know, that was 7 months ago, but unless you’re me, you don’t know how hard it was. I’ve been taking it so slow.

I think there were about 15,000 people in the race. I’m not kidding. There were more people in one place that I have ever seen before. It was incredible, and very claustrophobic. I think I might have gone an extra 1/4 mile just from all the weaving in and out of walkers and people with strollers.

The highlight of the race was when Derek told me later that when he started walking and I ran ahead of him, he heard a group of women commenting on people’s running attire, and as I ran by, they pointed and said, “Oooo, I like that one!” I always have bright shirts to run in, so the one I had on was a cute, fitted, bright orange Patagonia running shirt, with my black tights. I won’t give the lecture on the benefits of spandex while running, but I won’t run with anything else on my legs.

So I ran a race. I can’t really brag about it, but I’m glad I did it, I finished, and it wasn’t bad. Running makes me happy.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Join My Team!

Derek's mom and I just formed a team to run/walk the Komen Race for the Cure in Salt Lake City, on May 12th. We would love it if you joined us! So far, we have me and Derek, Derek's mom Toni, his sister Britanna, his younger brother and sister who are too young for me to reveal their names on the internets, and his sister-in-law Linda.

Some of us will run, some will walk. It's a no pressure "race," and it's for cancer research. Join Team Hope is Power!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shorten your stride

I went up to Bridal Veil again this morning. I ran right past the spot where Derek proposed (yes indeed, he proposed at Bridal Veil Falls, though that wasn't his original plan. More on the subject...), and to Vivian Park and back. Today I went a little further than last week, for a total of 6 miles. I forgot my watch, so I don't know exactly how long it took, and I left my cute periwinkle blue hat on top of the car when I drove off. It is lost and gone forever.

I couldn't believe how good I felt, the whole time. My body is a miraculous machine. Just 6 months after creating and giving birth to a whole other human, I am able to run continuously for an entire hour, with very little pain, and without even exerting myself very hard. I was tired at the end, so I had to slow down and shorten my stride, but I still made it.

I can't remember where I got this bit of advice, but I think it was from Runner's World magazine. I used to read it all the time, and they have tips, answer questions, and tell all sorts of stories about runners, both professional and novice. So I think it was there that I read about shortening your stride. It was aimed at people who run longer distances, and are not necessarily competitive runners. They said that when your body gets tired, like at the end of your run, it is much easier to injure yourself through overuse, or poor form. When you're tired, you don't concentrate so much on keeping your back erect as just putting one foot in front of the other.

I'm sure you've heard the advice to "lengthen your stride," in reference to anything from running to working harder at the office. It comes from training sprinters who can cover ground faster with a long stride. Sometimes long distance runners will try to lengthen their stride at the end of a race, to finish strong. However, this is a good way to get hurt, especially if you don't have a trainer who can teach you how to do it right.

The best thing to do when your body is getting fatigued is to shorten your stride, and keep your form. With a shorter stride, you do not over-tax the muscles that have already been working so hard, to the point of injury. You also reduce impact on your skeletal system, not having travelled as far between foot-strikes.

When my body is really tired, but I still have another couple of miles, I shorten my stride, but pick up the speed just a tiny bit.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Shoes

I got a new pair of shoes a couple of weeks ago. They're Pearl Izumis. I love them. I had Mizuno Wave Riders for a few years, but they kept changing them, and I got tired of not knowing what to expect. Plus, my last pair was so squeaky that I would wake up the kids while I was trying to sneak out of the house in the morning. I tried a bunch of things to get them to stop squeaking, but they only got worse, even after 400 miles. Yes, I kept running in them anyway, but no more.

So I went to Runner's Corner to get some new shoes, and though the service there is sometimes questionable, they always know what they're talking about. It came down to the Pearl Izumis and the Asics Gel-Cumulus. I chose the PIs just to try something different, and they are such a smooth ride! I think I'll try the Asics next time and compare the two with more mileage.

The PIs are so wonderfully cushioned. I was wanting cushy shoes because I was having pain in my heels, ankles and hips. My heel pain is now totally gone, and my hip pain is much reduced, even after running 4 1/2 miles on Saturday. There's nothing like running pain-free.

The one drawback of the PIs is that they are not just mesh uppers, like most other running shoes. They have some sort of thin foam or something inside the uppers. I noticed it when I tried them on, but bought them anyway. It just makes them a little warmer than other shoes. I don't think I will be able to wear them all day in the summer, but in the winter, it will be great to not have frozen toes after running in 20o weather. It sort of feels like I've got a blanket wrapped around my feet, and is quite comfortable.

I recommend the Pearl Izumi Shine for women who are small to medium frame (I'm on the top end, at 144 pounds) and like a neutral shoe with some cushion. I have yet to try them on a trail, though, and we'll see if they hold up for 500 miles.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bridal Veil - Vivian

It is so worth it. I drove up Provo Canyon this morning at 6:30 and ran from Bridal Veil Falls to Vivian Park, about 2 1/2 miles each way. So about 47 minutes. My hips were pretty tired, and I haven't run that far since February of last year, so I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. But Yay! Running in the canyon is so much easier than on the road, especially if I want to go more than 10 or 20 minutes. Which I do. There are pretty things to look at, the air is clean to breathe, it's so much more fun.

My dad is going to run 20 miles this morning on the front of Timpanogos. He just had surgery about 4 weeks ago, was told not to run for 2 weeks, and can still run 20 miles today. I hope I can get there. I hope I can find someone in Ohio to go on long runs with. Derek doesn't like it yet.

Monday, April 9, 2007

3 days off

Mmmm, I sort of skipped writing about last week. I sort of skipped a few days of running. We went to this great restaurant in Salt Lake on Friday, then headed up the hill for the best chocolates at Hatch Family Chocolates. Apparently they don't have a website, but if you need to know, there is no place better in Utah. I tried some other chocolates the other day and I was so saddened at the inferiority. So go to Hatch.

On Saturday, we had the family Easter party with Derek's parents and sibs, and in the evening went to dinner with my dad, grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousin Liz. There just wasn't time.

So this morning I ran for 20 minutes and felt great, but by the end, my hip was hurting again. I just got new shoes, so I don't think it's that. Maybe I need to go even slower.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do it anyway

Sometimes you have to do the very least you can. You really don't feel like running, you don't feel like mapping out a route for the day, you don't want to go a route you've gone before, you don't want to go up a hill, or down a hill, you don't want to change out of your pajamas.

I ran my 20 minutes today, starting with running down the street till the end, and running back to my house. That took 6 minutes. So I just went up and down the cross-streets until I was done. At least it was pretty outside. The birds were all arguing, and it was warmer than yesterday. And I ran.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I once asked my Dad how he kept running in the bitter winter in Central Utah. He said, "I just think of all the fun things I want to do in the summer." He also once said, "You'll be glad you paid your dues in the Spring." My Dad runs more than anyone else I know. He does 20 or 30-milers on weekends. Not races, just fun running. He does 50 mile races in the summer. Plural. It doesn't seem like he even has to work hard at it.

So on days like today, when I wake up to a winter wonderland when it should be spring, I get dressed and go running anyway. I finished my 25 minutes today by thinking that I would really be glad this summer, when I will be able to do some good trail running. It's funny how, in the Fall, running in the snow is rare and exhilirating, and how, in the Spring, it is hard and depressing. In the end, it was not as hard as I had thought it would be, nor as cold.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Favorite Trees

My walk today was mostly a nature stroll. I didn't feel like race-walking, so I just wandered around the neighborhood, noting all the fantastical flowering trees. There are several magnolias in full flower, and the weeping cherries started the other day. There's one weeping cherry down the street that I love the most. It's not especially large, but the owners have pruned it to be the shape of a giant mushroom. The top is flat and wide, the sides droop just a little, and when the blossoms come, they hang down so gracefully.

The plum trees are blossoming too, and there are purple and white plums all over. The crabapples will be exploding soon. There's a street that has white crabapples lining the left side of the sidewalk, and pink ones on the other side, so you can walk through the tunnel of blossoms. That's on the way to church.

I heard it's supposed to snow tonight. Curse the snow. It will kill the magnolias.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Write your goals

I ran for 21 minutes today. 28 push-ups. 130 crunches, some pilates. 142 pounds, down from 144 last week.

One thing that really keeps me motivated and on track is my exercise record. Before I had a blog, I kept (and really still do) a cheap day-planner with my goals for the week. I would sit down on Sunday night and make goals through the next Saturday. I write down the goal on the day I plan to accomplish it, then when I've reached my goal, I make note of it in the same place. At the end of the week, I make a tally of all I've done, so when I look back at previous weeks, I can find a weekly total easily.

For example, this week I plan to run 20 minutes and walk 10 on both Monday and Thursday. So at the top of the Monday section, it says 20/10. Monday's goal also includes a push-ups and crunches goal. 26 push-ups, 130 crunches. When I've done the running I planned, I put a check next to the goal. If my actual exercise was different than my goal, I circle the goal and write in the actual next to it. Today, I ran for 21 minutes instead of 20, so I make a note of it. Yes, even one minute matters to me. It helps me remember that I felt good enough to keep going past my goal.

If I skipped that day, I just put a slash through the goal, and sometimes revise goals through the rest of the week to keep myself on track with the weekly goal. If my running goals for the week will total 75 minutes, then I just add a few minutes to other days of the week, walk a little more, or just forget about it and redo the same goals the next week.

I like being able to look back at my progress before I got pregnant with Kiki. I had raised my goal minutes (which translated pretty closely to mileage, 10 minutes = 1 mile) by about 10 minutes a week until I was running 25 miles a week, with one long run of 10-12 miles. Sometimes I recorded where I ran, and how I felt during and after the run. This helps me especially on days when I don't feel like getting out. I find a day when I had a good long run that I enjoyed, and remember that I can't feel that good unless I get out and run.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Start Small

Real Wednesday totally worked. I followed my plan almost exactly (I just left out the yogurt), and I kept it up for Thursday too. I feel pretty good right now. I ran my 15 minutes this morning, and walked 15 more. I did 130 crunches, 24 push-ups, some pilates, and some stretching.

The most important part of changing your life permanently is to do it gradually. You will be much more likely to maintain your changes if they are small and few. If you want to lose weight, it will be so much easier to do it slowly.

So today is Start Small day. You don't have to wait until Monday to begin a new habit. Start today, with something small that you would like to change. If you are beginning a daily habit of exercise, start today with a walk. Some people will benefit from starting with 5 minutes. If that is too easy for you, try 10.

Your eventual goal should be to get 30 minutes of exercise every day, but most people should not just jump in and do 30 their first day. So right now, it is a goal to work toward. For the next week or so, go for a walk for about 5 minutes. You could do this a few times a day and it will add up.

If you are beginning a diet change, choose one aspect of your diet that you will focus on. Maybe you have a snacking problem, like me. I am going to focus on getting enough to eat at meal time, and then having a break from eating. I will not graze between breakfast and lunch. I will have a snack around 3:00 in the afternoon, and stop there. When I get stronger in this area, I will move on to a new goal.

With a small beginning, you will be able to accomplish your goals. Then, when you have reached it, a new goal will also be small.

Set yourself a time limit. As in: I will walk for 5 minutes every day for 7 days.
Choose a time of day that will work for you. I will walk at the beginning of lunch hour. I will walk before breakfast, after breakfast, etc. Make sure it is a time when you will not be in a hurry to do something else.

Leave your goals here and I will keep them safe for you.

Tomorrow: Why do you want to change?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Real Wednesday

Time's up. There's no more waiting, no more excuses, no more half-hearted attempts at a beginning. Today is the day. It starts today... read more...

Tomorrow: Start Small.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I hope I never have to live in a place that doesn't have magnolia trees. They are flowering today, and I think they are the trees that will be in my heaven. I used to walk through Temple Square on the way to high-school, and they have a whole bunch of white magnolias. I think they are the best thing, and I wish they flowered for more than a week.

Monday, March 19, 2007

deer in the hood

I was wrong about the deer not coming down. I saw one in up the street this morning. I did my 15/15 today, and it was great. After the trail running on Saturday, my quads are a little sore at the top, so I did some more hill today to burn it off. Also 20 push-ups, 100 crunches, some pilates.

And I had a green smoothie for breakfast that was actually yummy! Spinach with one juiced orange, one frozen banana, and about 6 frozen strawberries. Even the boys had some, and liked it.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

ready for a 5K?

I can confidently say that if I had to run a 5K today, I could, but it would be slow. I ran 35 minutes, part of it on a trail close to my home. I found lots of deer footprints, and droppings, but no real, live deer. It's been so warm that they haven't been coming down into the valley for a week or so. We did have a couple of deer outside our front door about a week ago.

I ran 20 minutes yesterday, to make up for being retarded on Wednesday. I had realized later in the day that I'd only done 15 minutes without checking my goals. So I've reached all the goals so far this week except for Thursday's. But my pacing in the hospital should probably count.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kiki's eyebrow

I didn't go walking today, because we had to get Kiki to the hopital by 6:30 for her eyebrow operation. She had a little cyst removed, and now she will have a scar about 3/4 inch long, just above her right eyebrow. There are no stitches, just some Dermabond. And she is bruised and swollen, but that's not really a surprise. She is fine. I didn't throw up or pass out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

at least I ran

Did my running today. 15/15. Didn't get out of bed until 7:30, didn't go to bed last night until 12:00. At least one child was up at 3:00 with a bad dream.

When I start running, my knees usually hurt for about 5 minutes, and I feel like crap for about 5 minutes, and I'm tired and sluggish for about 5 minutes, and I want to go back to bed for about 5 minutes. Luckily, those all happed for the same 5 minutes. After that, I usually feel pretty good. It's not hard to meet my goals, if only I can get myself out the door and run for the first 5 minutes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Muse

I've done my walking for the day, and now I've counteracted all the benefits by sitting in front of the computer for the last 2 hours. Woe, woe is me. Yesterday, I went a little too far, so it was 15/20. Running always comes first. I love running. Now I have a Running Muse.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Gonna get me some new shoes

I walked to church today with my sister-in-law. It's only 3/4 mile, but that's kinda remarkable for Utah. I've decided that I've really, really had enough with shoes that aren't comfortable. And I don't just mean ones that don't hurt very bad. I wore the flats that I've had since I got married 6 years ago. They're still in good shape, but I can't walk fast in them. I hate hate hate walking slowly.

Which is funny, since I distinctly remember, as a youngling, complaining to my mom nonstop that she was walking too fast, and I couldn't keep up with her. It must have driven her insane. I hated going shopping with her. I hated having to be with her at Lagoon. I hated hiking. I'm so ashamed that I ever hated hiking. Now, I can't think of anything more fun. I would do it more often, but my kids are so freakin' slow! I almost can't take a walk with them around the block or my head will explode.

This week, I'm going to:
1. keep the same running goals as last week, 15, 20, 15, 30, even though I did better than I expected last week. I want to have a while where I don't have to push my little body very much harder than normal.
2. get up at 6:00 every day, even though it will be dark. I'm going to do my best not to fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon.
3. go to bed by 10:30 every night.
4. pick up the toys in the living room before going to bed.
5. speak kindly and considerately to my kids, even when they are driving me nuts, bananas and ice-cream.
6. not go looking for candy at every opportunity.

Is that enough to keep me occupied for a week?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

35/11 Timp

I surpassed my goals for the week by a few minutes. I ran for 35 today, and walked 11. (I had to work off the three pieces of angel food cake I had at Tia's house last night.) It was warm enough that I didn't need my hat and gloves. I love spring. I almost got all the way to the biggest weeping cherry in the county. That means that by the time it is flowering, I'll be able to get there to see it.

My right hip is hurting. I don't remember it feeling like this before I was pregnant with Kiki. Before Derek and I were even dating, we went on an overnight hike to Mt. Timpanogos, in Utah County. It's about 17 miles round-trip, and we wanted to see the sunrise from the peak, so we slept at Emerald lake, about 3 miles from the top. I didn't actually sleep, since I didn't carry a pad, but I did have a back-pack with a sleeping bag and food, and extra clothes. At about 4:30 am, we got up to climb the summit. It's a pretty steep hike, and after lugging the pack the day before, and adding the rocky final ascent, I think I damaged my hip. It started hurting before we got to the top, then got worse as we came down. By the time we got to the bottom, it was hurting pretty badly.

It took about a month before I could walk without pain in that hip, and I don't think I ran much for a few more months after that. And even when I did start running again, it was only for a mile or so. So maybe that it surfacing again. I'll try to be careful.

I'd love to be able to hike Timp again before we move to Ohio and lose our altitude tolerance. I don't think it will happen, though. Since Kiki is still nursing, I couldn't leave her for long enough to do the entire hike, and I don't think we'd be able to carry her.

Friday, March 9, 2007

16/15, extra minute down the hill

I had forgotten how much I love to be out in the early morning. I've had an erratic schedule, since Kiki is nursing and unwilling to be scheduled, so I haven't gotten into a groove of going out at the same time every day. But this morning, after I fed her at 5:30, I decided I should just get up and go. It was even beginning to get light at 6:00, and the birds are out making a ruckus. Spring always makes me feel like I've spent a lot of time being homesick, and I've finally come home. I ran up the hill today. I've been doing it in installments, up till now, but I finally went all the way up without stopping today. Then I had to run down, of course. 16/15

My little flower garden has some irises that are about 4 inches tall, one big yucca, four lavender bushes, and a whole bunch of onions. I planted the onions last summer, and I thought they all died. But now, they are shooting up. I can't remember if they're any good after a winter. I think they might just go to seed, which is fine with me. Last year my leeks went to seed, and they were fantastic, if a little smelly. They grew 6 feet tall, and their huge pink pom-pom blossoms loomed over the rest of the vegetable garden for the whole summer.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

rain and mist

32 minutes walking, and the clouds came down on the mountain as I walked. The air was still humid from last night's rain, and the worms out on the sidewalk. Just as I finished and came in, it began to pour. Rain, not snow. Yay! I zig-zagged up and down, instead of across. In our neighborhood, the east-west streets go uphill, and the south-north streets are pretty level, so when I run, I like to go south-north, but when I walk, I can handle a little more uphill.

After yesterday's O.D. of M&Ms, I think I'm cured for a while. I really don't want anything fake in me right now. So I made a spinach-strawberry-orange drink for breakfast, and some pumpkin muffins for lunch, to have with last night's yummy lentils and rice. Although I didn't have any more caramelized onions. :(

Calvin's best friend was over, and he wouldn't touch the lentils, though he did have 2 of my vegan muffins, and loved them. I think if I had given him the muffin first, he wouldn't have liked it, but after staring at lentils for ten minutes, the muffins looked good.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

20/11, green smoothies

I had wheat berries with some greek yogurt and honey for breakfast, which is so stinking yummy. I love the greek yogurt, but it's pretty rich, so only a couple of tablespoons is enough. I've been trying green smoothies. Those are just whizzed up fruit with some sort of dark leafy greens, like spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, chard, and kale. Yesterday, it was 1/2 apple, one juiced orange, and a big handful of spinach with water and ice. I must admit I was surprised that it wasn't yucky. I think this is a good way to get some greens, and can probably help with all manner of digestive problems. Today, I'm going to try pears with parsley. Now, if I can just kick my M&Ms habit...

Update: the pears and parsley wasn't great, unless you really like parsley. I added some orange juice concentrate, which helped a lot. The orange taste balanced the parsley, but the pear was unidentifiable. The boys both asked for some "green drink" though.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

walk 30, reverse plank 10 seconds

It was 30 degrees today, and light outside at 7:00! I love spring. I saw some purple crocuses peeking through the dirt across the street and nearly jumped for joy. I walked for 30 minutes, and Derek ran for 12. He has to exercise for 1/2 hour for every 2 hours of WoW he plays. I think I might try and get him to change it to 1 hour of WoW. And it can't roll over into the new week. No saving up. Wouldn't that be great?

Monday, March 5, 2007

goals for the week

I ran for 15 minutes today, and walked another 15. My goal for the week is 15, 20, 15, 30. I will run four days, and walk 3. I think I'm going to stick to that schedule for 3 weeks, and then step it up to 20, 25, 20, 30.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Something about running really makes me feel good about myself and what I can accomplish. I ran for 27 minutes straight today. I was well prepared for the cold and the blinding sunshine glazing off the snow. I felt crappy at first, but after about 10 minutes, started to feel fine. It was still hard. I got up to the breathing rhythm that I like, two counts in, two counts out. When I have a good rhythm, I feel much more stable, and I can go further. It's good meditation for me, to concentrate on rhythmic, consistent breathing. It helps me so I don't go too slow or too fast. It makes me peaceful.

Friday, March 2, 2007

14/10, plus 7 minutes shovelling

It's another winter wonderland today. I'm tired of running in blizzards, but at least I got out and did it. My tip for the day is this: When you really don't feel like exercising, just get your work-out clothes on. That will help you feel motivated to do at least one minute of exercise. One minute is all I ask. Derek didn't want to go this morning, so I told him to just run around the block. For me, the hardest part is starting. Then, when I've gone for that whole minute, I can easily go for another, and another. Sometimes, like today, after about 30 seconds, I forget I was only going for a minute, and I end up completing my goal for the day.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Woo-hoo! 18 minutes of running and 12 minutes of walking. I never did get out yesterday, but we all need some lazy days sometimes. They just can't be all in a row. My big failure yesterday was making a batch of cookies and eating 7 or 8 of them. I felt so sick afterwards. I couldn't really eat dinner. I just had that self-loathing that comes from doing something that you know will hurt. Why can't I just eat one cookie? I don't know. For me, it's got to be total abstinence, because after the first one, I can't not have another. I don't believe in deprivation as a way to diet, but I just can't seem to stick to moderation in all things. I'm just not moderate.

I don't want to be an overindulger. I think it's wasteful and unkind to myself. My poor body has had enough abuse. Why do I keep abusing myself?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Not Today

I didn't get myself out of bed early enough to go walking today. My goal was to walk for 30 minutes, but I'm going to have to try to do it later, after Derek gets home. He didn't go today either. It might have something to do with the water jug that someone dropped last night at 9:30, which broke, spewing 1/2 gallon of water all over the kitchen, then a certain 4-month-old that needed feeding at 10:00, then an 5-year-old whose leg hurt at 1:00 am, then the 4mo who was hungry again at 5:00, and the 2yo who woke up with the need to shout, "It's Morning Time! Wake Up!!!" Sometimes it's ok to take a break.

Monday, February 26, 2007


16 minutes of running and 14 minutes of walking. I did my stretching and Pilates on the legs, plus some ab work. My inner thigh is sore, and I'm not sure why. I really, really don't want to get injured. That's why I've been taking it so slow. I hope the stretching will help. It snowed again last night, so the roads were icy. Derek ran this morning, too. He runs because I make him.

I have about 8 pounds to lose. I am going to do this by July 1st. That is a long time, so it should be easy. That means 1/2 pound a week. I can do this. Especially since Kiki is still nursing, and isn't on any supplemental food yet.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am the queen

My lungs are burning. My knees are sad. My right hip is crying. I feel like I am going to throw up. But I ran for 25 minutes non-stop, and nothing can get me down! The sun is out and it's probably 40 degrees. I actually got hot while I ran. I think there is hope for me yet. We're going to run the Race for a Cure in Salt Lake as a family. My husband, sister-in-law, parents-in-law, whoever else we can get. That's a 5K in the middle of May, so we have plenty of time. My goal is to finish in 28 minutes. That's pretty slow, but the postpartum recovery has been slow. I don't want to hurt myself.